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10 Myths About Breast Cancer

10 Superstitions About Breast Cancer;

Myth About Breast Cancer 1: Young women don't get breast cancer!

Breast Cancer can occur at any age

Risk increases with age

About one in 2,000 breast cancer cases will be a woman in her 30s.

Myth About Breast Cancer 2: If you have a normal mammogram, you won't get breast cancer.

Up to 15% of breast cancer cases do not show mammography findings and may be overlooked.

Even if some masses are palpable, they do not show mammography findings due to breast density.

Myth About Breast Cancer 3: The only way a woman can detect breast cancer is if she feels the mass.

Some cancers do not form masses

The image of the breast and other findings may give clues to healthcare professionals about breast cancer.

Other findings; 

bloody nipple discharge

Inward escaping of the nipple

Pulling in breast skin

Itching and skin changes in the breast tissue without any discharge

Pain and redness in the breast

Changes in breast shape

Vascular changes on the breast

Myth 4 About Breast Cancer : You are guaranteed not to have breast cancer in your family.

All women are at risk.

75 percent of patients diagnosed with breast cancer in the last year did not have a family history.

The biggest risk is being a woman.

Myth 5 About Breast Cancer : Having a history of breast cancer on the mother's side is the most important risk factor.

The history of breast cancer on the paternal side is equally important.

Familial breast cancer genes can come from the mother or father.

Grandparents should also be included in the family history because there may be generational skipping.

Myth About Breast Cancer 6: The number of relatives with breast cancer is the most important factor in determining the risk.

The age at which breast cancer occurs, that is, the history of its early appearance, is more important than the number of affected relatives.

An early cancer is a red flag for breast cancer.

Likewise, having a family history of ovarian cancer (ovarian cancer) and detection of cancer in both breasts is an extremely important finding.

The presence of a relative with both ovarian cancer and breast cancer is important in terms of bringing up the risk of familial breast-ovarian cancer.

Myth 7 About Breast Cancer : I have to have an emergency surgery as soon as I'm diagnosed or my cancer will spread to other organs immediately!

Even a 1 cm breast tumor is a process that takes years to develop.

Like most cancer types, breast cancer surgery is not an emergency and there is ample time for good planning.

Most of the time you have enough time to call a doctor who specializes in breast cancer and this will not adversely affect your treatment .

It is very important to get a second opinion in cancer treatment and it has been shown to benefit patients.

Myth About Breast Cancer 8: All breast cancer patients are treated the same.

There are more than 15 types of breast cancer.

Each type has unique behaviors.

Every patient has the right to a life of his own and to receive treatment that is compatible with it.

The treatment modalities of the patients are shaped according to tumor types, tumor size, spread to other regions, age and general health status.

Myth 9 About Breast Cancer : Breast cancer is the worst enemy of women.

The biggest enemy of women is NOT breast cancer, but late diagnosis of breast cancer.

Early detected breast cancers can be successfully treated.

Breast Cancer Myth 10: Nothing can be done to protect patients at high risk for breast cancer

There are preventive measures that can be taken in patients with a strong family history or carrying a familial breast ovarian cancer gene such as BRCA1 / BRCA2.

quitting smoking

Restricting alcohol intake


Following a balanced and beneficial diet

Not to delay mammography and examinations

Seeking genetic counseling.

Who should receive genetic counseling:

Women with breast cancer before age 50 or all women diagnosed with ovarian cancer (ovarian cancer) at any age

Women diagnosed with both ovarian and breast cancer

Family history of male breast cancer

Members of the Ashkenazi Jewish community

BRCA1 and BRCA2 Test

It is a genetic mutation test for familial breast-ovarian cancer.

First, individuals with cancer are tested.

The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can come from the mother or father.

Individuals with positive test results who have not yet developed cancer may be offered risk-reducing treatments (medical or surgical).

We have listed 10 superstitions about breast cancer for you. By reading this article, you can learn the truth of 10 superstitions about breast cancer.

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